Strengthening Labor Unions
I will be a U.S. Representative who listens to labor, is a champion for Davis-Bacon, and works hard to strengthen labor unions in Maryland and across our nation.
When labor and business collaborate, our economy thrives, we achieve superior results and America becomes more resilient. Labor unions guarantee that hardworking Americans receive fair wages, safe and humane working conditions, and proper representation in business deliberations. Given the widening gap between executive and worker pay, the need for unions to advocate for workers and moderate exorbitant executive compensations is more pressing than ever. History underscores the setbacks that arise when labor lacks union representation.
I unequivocally support the Davis-Bacon Act for fair prevailing wages. I will endorse legislation that prevents federal agencies from awarding contracts for U.S. building projects to foreign entities.
Upon my election, I eagerly anticipate collaborating closely with and championing labor to enact legislation that uplifts unions and bolsters our economy.
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